Shipping policy
From the date you order your items, it could take anywhere up to 7 weeks for your items to ship, due to having to go through the queue to be made. Most, if not all items are made to order, and are not laying around ready to ship. The exceptions are the items that are labeled as "Ready to Ship" or "Discounted Item." Other items which are ready to ship are items like balaclavas, branded fans, mouth calls, cups, pins, chiffon/elastic, etc.
Most US packages are shipped priority mail through USPS or UPS (due to whichever option was chosen by the buyer at checkout), so should take no longer than 3 days to get to any state in the country. However, should the package take longer due to weather/rerouting this is beyond our control, and we can't do anything about it and apologize ahead of time. Remember you can always call USPS to get a real-time tracking update (1-800-ASK-USPS) and UPS (1-800-742-5877). In the event that a package is larger, we may opt to ship through UPS instead of USPS to keep within the amount of shipping that was paid. If we do you'll know through the tracking e-mail generated through the store.
International packages are sent through DHL and should take between 5-10 business days to arrive, however should they take longer due to customs depots, there's nothing we can do about that. Custom depots also open packages and go through them, and there have been several instances of products being not properly packed back up after their customs visit, and arriving broken. We DO have insurance, but we will need you to take pictures for proof, as well as hold onto the packaging so we can file the claim. We do apologize for the shipping prices, however they are not our prices.
DHL requires a valid e-mail and phone number in order to schedule a delivery, as well as have the custom/import fees paid.
Custom fees or taxes are not our responsibility, nor will we say a package is a gift just so the fee's can be waived. A copy of the order goes on the outside of every international package we mail, so they know it's a merchandise parcel. We do apologize for this, however it's beyond our control.
International packages will take anywhere from $60-$200 USD to ship, depending on the weight/size of the package. Even small packages. However in some cases where a large amount of items are purchased and the package needs to be oversized due to weight or size, we may need to e-mail for an additional fee, because the website cannot anticipate how much some shipping services are.